Our Door is Always Open
If you or your family have any spare time and would like to enjoy some of this time at pre-school you are always welcome here. Please drop in! Your time spent here is greatly valued and appreciated by the children and staff. There is a visitor sign-in book in the foyer that you must complete when you arrive.
Family Participation
Over the year our teachers work in partnerships with families to link learning at home and pre-school and to plan for and enhance children’s wellbeing, skills and knowledge. We will talk with you to ask for and share information about your child’s learning, interests and experiences. If you have any queries or would like further information about your child’s learning in the pre-school please approach one of your child’s teachers to make a time to talk together, when the pre-school is not in session.
We look forward to getting to know all our families and encourage everyone to get involved wherever possible.
Children’s learning involves a partnership between staff and families. You have an important role to play at Rangeview Pre-School. There are many ways you can get involved in your child’s learning.
- Be a special guest. Arrange to visit your child’s room to share something special about yourself, such as your occupation, your cultural background, or an interesting hobby. Your child will be proud to let everyone know you’re his/her parent! Please chat to staff, they will be most willing to include you as part of the program and assist you in preparing and setting up.
- Attend pre-school events. Make a point of going to morning teas, pre-school picnics, art shows, working bees, fundraisers and other pre-school events – even ones your child isn’t directly involved with. These events are a great way to meet staff members and other parents, and going together will help your child develop a stronger sense of belonging to the pre-school.
- Look for other opportunities to get to know the parents of your child’s classmates. Don’t be shy about introducing yourself and exchanging contact details. Other parents will be an invaluable support system during pre-school and beyond.
Parent Roster
During the term, you are encouraged to sign on to the roster as a parent helper for one or more sessions per term. This may involve helping the children during the session, supporting aspects of the program and assisting staff with transition periods such as snack/lunch time. This is an excellent opportunity to share a pre-school session with your child, to meet other children in the group and observe the educational program. Rosters are placed in the foyer for you to nominate a date and time that suits you. If you are unable to participate, another family member is more than welcome to attend. On the day, educators will provide you with all the guidance you need.
Please note that the supervision of siblings who accompany their parents/guardians or carers (but who are not enrolled in the program) is the responsibility of the parents/guardians or carers while they are on the premises.
Working Bees
Rangeview Pre-School conducts one working bee each term. Working bees are held to keep our running costs down through parents/families assisting with tasks and maintenance such as mowing lawns, gardening, and other minor repairs as required. They are also a wonderful opportunity to meet other families within the pre-school community. The working bees are coordinated by the maintenance officers from the Committee of Management, and at each working bee a list of tasks is provided.