Rangeview Pre-School is a SunSmart Pre-School.
All children are required to wear a sun hat from 1 September until 30 April inclusively.
Children require a sun-safe hat; wide brimmed or legionnaires hats give your child good cover. Baseball caps and visors offer little protection to the cheeks, ears and neck and are not recommended.
Parents are required to apply sunscreen to children before coming to pre-school during the Sun Smart period.
We also reapply sunscreen throughout the day. Please ensure the permission form is signed and returned.
Sun Protection Policy
Rangeview Pre-School’s SunSmart Policy has been developed to ensure that all children, parents and staff attending this Pre-School are protected from skin damage caused by the harmful UV rays of the sun. It is to be implemented throughout the year.
General SunSmart Strategies
- The Pre-School will require children to wear hats that protect their face, neck and ears whenever they are outside, i.e. legionnaire or broad-brimmed hats.
- Children who do not have their hats with them will be asked to play in an area protected from the sun.
- Children will be encouraged to use available areas of shade for outdoor play activity.
- The Management Committee will ensure there are a sufficient number of shelters and trees providing shade in the Pre-School grounds.
- Excursions and other outdoor activities will be scheduled before 10am and after 3pm daylight saving time, from the start of September to the end of April (10am – 2pm at other times) whenever possible. The availability of shade will be considered when planning excursions and outdoor activities.
- Staff and parents will act as role models by: wearing appropriate hats and clothing outdoors, using SPF 30+* sunscreen for skin protection, and seeking shade whenever possible.
- Learning about skin and ways to protect skin from the sun will be incorporated into programmed activities.
- The SunSmart Policy will be reinforced in a positive way through parent newsletters, noticeboards and meetings.
- Staff and parents will be provided with educational material on sun protection.